Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Mr. Andrew Briggs, in his comment below, has brought it to my attention that there is at least on aircraft tracker that still records the flights of N757AF. Flight Act...
When [math]a+b=b+a[/math] is true, mathematicians celebrate. In fact, it's such an important property that it has its own name. It's called the commutative property.
The commutative property is...
The BI/analytics market is going through a big shift right now. If you need evidence, just look at this year's Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics & BI Platforms. But befo...
If you looked at the schools represented in each newly hired class of entry-level analysts across the major Wall Street firms, you'd find they numbered in the hundreds. The...
I spent a good amount of time with Peter while interviewing him for my new book Conspiracy, which is a behind-the-scenes look of the conspiracy he orchestrated against Gawk...
When poor people started getting fat.
In the "old days" poor people were starving and looked it. And, if you look at paintings of rich people (pretty much only rich people g...
It's 7:35AM and it's cold in the office.
I turn on the lights because I am the first person in the building. I walk into my office, plug in my computer, and I take a sip of my Starbucks.
The B-17 could take a lot of punishment and still get home. Even the Germans recognized this.
Japanese pilots were initially confounded by their inability to take the big bi...
Restating the paradox for the uninitiated:
Fred brings home 100 pounds of potatoes, which (being purely mathematical potatoes) consist of 99 percent water. He then leaves th...
Jason McDonald's answer to this question is perfect. I'd like to add on to it a bit, as well.
One of the things that Michael Scott was known for was his somewhat inappropria...
Not for most people who want a relatively laid-back, easy-going dog.
The pup that runs up and "chooses" you isn't "choosing" you at all.
99 times out of 100 that pup will ind...
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