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Done with the Bullshit? • 22.3K followers
They say ignorance is bliss but I find yours rather disturbing.
Drake Fire
Answered October 3
If McCarthy wanted Democrat support, he should have outright stated as such. Instead, the man took a steaming dump on the deal he made with the Democrats, returning to pois...
Arrow Clover
Answered October 4
Not blind at all. I actually pay attention. Always have. I know WHY gas is too expensive and food is a luxury. But I am not going to bother trying to explain it to you. The...
Socrasaurus, Ph.D. Philosophy & Fine and Performing Arts, University of Freiburg (1983)
Answered September 30
There were rumors from his time on "Apprentice" that he does have staff who help him with basic hygiene, getting dressed (and undressed), tying shoes, and other basic stuff...
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