For the same reason American tanks or British tanks were. Which is to say they were not designed to be the best tank in world. They were designed to be the best tank that fitted within the strateg...
| | Long's Digest | | Top Stories For You | | | Why were WW2 Japanese tanks so bad? | John Griffiths, Podcaster at Totally Tanked Podcast (2019-present) • Answered September 3 |
| For the same reason American tanks or British tanks were. Which is to say they were not designed to be the best tank in world. They were designed to be the best tank that fi... Read More » |
| | | Would Stephen Hawking be considered a more capable physicist than Richard Feynman? | David Kahana, physicist unhinged • Answered July 28, 2018 |
| No. Hawking was not even remotely on the same level as Feynman. It's not even a question. - The path integral.
- Feynman diagrams....
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| | | | | What was Chinese culture like during the Shang dynasty? | Yugan Talovich, studied history from early age in English, + Chinese for over 40 years. • Updated May 9 |
| The culture of the Shang was quite different from what we think of as Chinese today. For starters, of course, they had no paper, very little metal, only the powerful rode in... Read More » |
| | | Why is Japanese so complicated and have so many rules? Did they try to make the language as complicated as possible or what? | Marshall Gittler, Lived in Japan for 18 years • Updated September 26 |
| Actually it's a pretty simple language without much in the way of complicated grammar. No plurals, no masculine or feminine, no articles, and only four verb tenses. Sentenc... Read More » |
| | | Why did Russia carry its soldiers on the wings of the aircraft in WW2? | Dave Hopkin, former Troop Commander at Brtish Army (1977-1984) • Answered July 13 |
| Russia was one of the first countries to experiment with Paratroops and as such was the pioneer of what we consider normal later on But they were not carried "on" the wings,... Read More » |
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