Divers typically emerge from the water after a plunge and immediately take a quick shower by the side of the pool — even though they are already wet. Then they dry themselves off with little towels...
| | Long's Digest | | Top Stories For You | | | Why do Olympic divers shower after each dive when they are just going to dive again? | Samarjeet, former Physiotherapist, Entrepreneur, Volunteer • Updated September 29 |
| Divers typically emerge from the water after a plunge and immediately take a quick shower by the side of the pool — even though they are already wet. Then they dry themselv... Read More » |
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| Is it true that Spartans covered themselves in oil before a fight to look scarier? It's even more fundamental than that. The ancient Greeks rubbed themselves with olive oil ... Read More » |
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| The US forces in Korea used the quad .50 caliber AA guns to break up the Chinese human wave attacks. The Chinese would attack around midnight and continue till dawn. When t... Read More » |
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| The first time a foreigner said this to me, I didn't really think much about it. But I kept hearing this from foreigners, so I started noticing. Foreigners, especially Asia... Read More » |
| | | Why was Armenia so important to the Roman Empire and the Persian Empire? | Mert Bölükbaş, Quizbowl History Expert • Answered September 19 |
| In the study of ancient history, we picture legions and armies of men fighting each other with valor, without paying much attention to how it was possible for these empires... Read More » |
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