Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
They became the President of the ROC (Taiwan):
Lee Tung Hui, President of the ROC from 1984 to 1988.
This is him in his younger years larping as a Japanese teenager:
This is h...
The ancient Assyrians built a vast empire. Rulers of this middle eastern nation subjugated their conquered territories through sheer terror and brutality.
The kingdom's foun...
I wasn't on leave but the ship was in homeport and I was shopping for groceries in an Asian store when I bumped into, of all people, my Commanding Officer.
"Hey, Captain, fa...
In 1939, Franz Halder, the Nazi Army Chief of Staff, had a back-channel talk with Raymond Geist, American Consul General at the US embassy in Berlin. Geist passed the conve...
The moment you said "3.1446", I already knew you're talking about the [math]\pi=\frac{4}{\sqrt{\varphi}}[/math] crackpottery!
Alright. So, why do some people claim that [math]\pi=\frac{4}{\sqrt{\varphi}}[/math] and not [math]\pi=3.1415926\dots[/math]? Well, that's because they know abs...
The answer is simple.
No, it's not electromagnetism (as explained by some authors, he implemented that tech solely once) and no, it's not magically enchanted like Thor's hammer.
Do you want these guys to democratically elect their leader?
Most mainland Chinese I talked to about any of it are not a great deal concerned about western infiltration as t...
In the 80's the Naval War College wargamed this scenario. If the Japanese fleet had been engaged on the open ocean, all 8 battleships would have been sunk along with the ai...
Roger Ebert once proposed what he called the "Box Rule" … that if a movie's onesheet had little boxed portraits of its stars (usually drawn from a variety of international ...
The western think Asian people should be short, smart, hard working, humble, never cause trouble, obey, model minority, never fight back.
And extreme sexual unattractive.
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