Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Superman himself, once stated…..
And I quote:
I can count the number of beings in the known Universe on one hand, I would be afraid to face in open combat. And J'onn J'onzz, ...
I would tend to agree with him for most departments at Caltech. The curriculum there is BRUTAL, and I have seen folks that got out of Caltech with a 2.3 GPA who really were...
One might be able to draw up a few very specific locations and income situations in which Texas is more expensive than California, but apples to apples and for the overwhel...
Vader is walking down the streets of Alderaan with two stormtroopers. Suddenly, he sees a familiar floppy eared face. "ANI," exclaims Jar Jarz running over to greet him.
First, Harvard is not an "elite" CS school (if the term elite even has any meaning). Professors don't worship at the altar of Harvard the way that (a small segment of) stud...
He once gave Superman a box, and said that just like Superman had given him Kryptonite so he could stop Superman in case of an emergency, so too he was trusting to Superman...
Because it doesn't seem to be for self-preservation.
It's a perception issue.
Interactions that many of us have with self-proclaimed MGTOW members is that they refuse to actu...
This is a space marine with no armor
This is the best image I could find to show just how massive a member of the Adeptus Astartes is. They are extremely muscular but are st...
God I love this question. As a lifelong California resident I think that all the Cal hater answers are absolutely hilarious. They do show one thing though: if you have enou...
Here's what a typical Monday in my semester looks like. I'm in my second year of the Mathematics PhD program at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. A little over half of...
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