Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
I was 30 years old during the third year of my PhD when my thesis advisor called me to his office and said, "Sam, there's bad news."
I took a deep breath, "let me guess. Our...
The United States military rejected Dragon Skin armor because the armor failed spectacularly badly in testing. Don't take my word for it though, look at the X-rays and docu...
Turn my light on, and I never panic, because panic kills
When a nuclear reactor goes critical, I do this…
Me turning on a light
Dust2 is a popular map mainly because of its intrinsic yet simple design. You have a clearly defined left, middle, and right side of the map, as well as a clearly defined t...
He's a vindictive, arrogant bully. How could Cuomo intuit that he'd need thousands of ventilators; Trump was disavowing the seriousness of this mess just two months ago.
He ...
I can't believe no one has mentioned this.
The one crime Joker has admitted to his henchmen not even he dared to commit was on the animated series Batman: New Adventures (1998).
The CURRENT (2020) ages of all of the Avengers are as follows:
Thank you for the a2a.
The virologists who've been working on Covid-19 have concluded that it is a chimera - a recombination of two viruses. They found that the bat coronavi...
There are only two times in my entire history of working at Apple that I received free Apple hardware.
When I was hired, Apple Retail had an iPod ownership program—they gave...
It will take at least 7 years. The market is going to lose a lot more from here. The global economy will help create a recession/depression atmosphere that will drag the ma...
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