Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
I started a PhD at TU Delft in the Netherlands. I got the position immediately after my MSc, by answering an online application for the PhD.
In my MSc thesis I used machine ...
When you just look at the AK's performance, there 's nothing impressive about this weapon.
It's quite heavy which is a big minus for every military rifle, it's accuracy is b...
Why is food less expensive and better quality in Europe than in the US?
For the past 8 weeks, I have been amazed while food shopping in SW Europe, including France, Spain, a...
Part of Apple design philosophy, dating back to Steve Jobs' first tenure as Apple's CEO, is a dislike of active cooling (fans) on computers. In fact, this got the company i...
There's a joke in Hungary which goes:
A reporter asks a young man in Northern Finland:
-How do you spend your freetime during the summer? - We go fishing and we have sex with...
When I started my doctoral study, I received some very good advice:
Well plenty try, and a large portion of CAG is composed of Rangers, but as far as I know there are quite some limitations preventing Rangers from applying:
I want to congratulate you for presenting one of the most convoluted questions I've ever encountered. And having taught history for many years, I've seen some real doozies!
Someone once claimed: you cannot write the "book of exits" until you have written the "book of entries". No video unfortunately. Could not see his plastic red nose, funny hat and daisy.
So I answered this before. When I was a instructor at Infantry Mortar Leader Course at Ft. Benning, I had to sometimes turn in the mortars we used to train our students in ...
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