Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Unlike the USA which uses the ocean for its splashdowns, the Russian cosmonauts land on hard, Russian soil, usually southern Kazakhstan. Usually that area looked like this:
Up to a certain point, if you lift weights and move around a lot, it's really not that bad. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't feel just as good as being at a healthy weight, b...
A friend bought a really cool exotic sports car. The kind everyone turns their head to look at. Spent a bunch.
Five years later he's lost a small savings account worth in de...
True story. I had just started a job as a VP at a Fortune 500 company. It was a very image-conscious company, so I decided to upgrade my look. One of the first things I bou...
I'll do this in a story-ish form, because it's more fun that way.
One of the biggest grievances from the other airlines is just how aggressive Emirates is with pricing.
Momentarily. The reason that trick worked on the first Thor movie was because of where Thor used it: on the Rainbow Bridge, a nearly indestructible structure on which the l...
Imagine, just for a moment, it's 2039. Twenty years in the future.
You're on your super-thin iPhone 27. You ask Siri to Google something.
A jobs board.
Quickly, you read throu...
For over 35 years, Australia has had an operational over the horizon Ionosphere Doppler radar. It has detected a missile launch in china over 3500 Miles away. It is said to...
I know, it sounds so lame but it's the most powerful thing. Once you learn it, you will practically have the world at your hands.
Everyone desires a few things more than anything else.
Others answers here have covered the "conventional" algorithms, which are used in general-purpose applications. However, if the most important requirement is to perform the...
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