Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
When commercial aircraft manufacturers design an aircraft , the airframe and pressurization System is designed to function up to the service ceiling of the aircraft. The ma...
I fired a person after 3 hours. When she applied for the job as a front desk receptionist in my dental office I asked about her people skills and her ability to type. She s...
There have been many publicity stunts that actors/actresses have done that basically blew up in their faces. I'll focus on some that seemed particularly egregious -
1. Malai...
If you make 1 million USD:
Sweden: You pay 53.9% of your income in taxes.
Denmark: You pay 52.4% of your income in taxes.
Norway: You pay 45.1% of your income in taxes.
Yes. And no.
Here's the thing. A push-up is roughly (very roughly) equivalent to a bench press with 60% of your bodyweight.
For those that can do 3–10 push-ups in a set, it i...
In my opinion? I can think of two people. And this is my opinion based on their range, how believable their performances are, how much effort they put in, etc.
First, Timoth...
I think >80% of PhD students realize that they're not meant to be researchers during their PhD. Many of them graduate anyways.
And if they realize it, it's usually obvious t...
First of all, Japanese people do not want to live anywhere else in general as the country, and the general public is relatively well off. Second of all, Japanese people are...
I regretted moving to the United States.
In my country (Taiwan) being able to live permanently in the USA is like a dream come true. Everyone wants to go to the USA. It's li...
There's a region off the northeast coast of Britain, beneath the North Sea, called Doggerland. It used to be land, but it sank. There is unquestionable evidence of human ha...
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