Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Power Girl shaves her legs just exactly the same way that Superman shaves his beard, minus the mirror, which she obviously doesn't need.
She uses her heat vision to burn off...
Yep, while fixing a friend's computer, I ended up finding a directory full of porn…
But it wasn't any kind of porn, it was some pictures her boyfriend took from them during sexy times.
Have you been to Vietnam? I swear! And I swear it's terrible. And oh god is it terrible?
All because they have this:
I was on a first date with my future boyfriend.
We bought Burger King at the airport.
I spilled ketchup on my shirt.
My boyfriend had not seen yet.
I met him briefly at a goth club in Hollywood in December of 2016. He looked exactly as I would have expected him to look (t-shirt, torn jeans, flannel shirt tied at the wa...
This is an excellent question - it is exactly what Ernest Rutherford wondered in when his team discovered that atoms had tiny positive nuclei (read how they discovered that here: ...
I am an Indian and have been living in Estonia for 4 years. I have not lived in Latvia or Lithuania, but I have travelled to their capitals of Riga and Vilnius multiple tim...
Its never too old or inappropriate for women to wear short dresses.
I know one woman in her 40s who can rock a short dress - my wife! despite not being tall, she can carry o...
No. He's rarely wrong about the big things. Right on Paypal, right on solar, right on electric cars. He gets almost all of the details right too. He's only wrong in terms o...
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