Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
It was going to be a long flight.
Business Class was fully booked. I was not happy.
My ticket was upgradable. Flying Economy is not a big issue. But this was a 15 hour flight...
I have been waiting for a question like this for a long time :)
Turks use old tribal names for some countries and languages.
Alemanni > Almanya (Germany)
Lechites > Lehistan i...
During my PhD, my lab would keep a few tricky problems like this to discuss at our weekly tea time. Here's one of my favorites that we solved.
The country of Gridlandia cons...
I can speak to this from personal experience. I was part of a MEDEVAC helicopter rescue in northern Afghanistan during which we rescued some German Soldiers who had been am...
It depends on how hard, why and if you get caught. One kid in my platoon screamed out and was bawling right after mail call because he got a letter from his mom saying his ...
I interviewed a black woman of a larger size for some position at a past employer (pause: this is pertinent information, so just hold up). I thought she was delightful. I w...
My neighbours mid 20 something Grand-daughter, went on holiday to Disney World, Florida with some friends. They did the rides, all the stuff you do when you go to a place l...
A friend of mine was a B747 captain for a global airline (now retired). His employer had created the idea that captains should connect with the business class passengers (t...
You shouldn't have any problem. Read the article below and contact the number listed. The military isn't for everyone. It's better you know at the front end then after you'...
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