Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
A question this ridiculous demands a serious answer. I'll show you a neat approximation that is exceedingly useful and, when applied to this answer, allows you to estimate ...
Can you see the expression painted on this face?
Now compare it to this.. 
Did you notice a difference?
Who would you prefer to hang out with this evening?
Yes, here is the one and only surefire way to get a job in Canada. Be careful to follow every step exactly as called for:
You need to have youth, an education and money.
Thanks for the Ask, Ali. What camera accessories have boosted the quality of (my) photos?
There are already a half-dozen answers that cover exactly what I would say:
My early 20's spent as a management consultant were rough. I was on the road nearly every week, Mon-Thur for almost 4 years. It was a brutal grind of waking up 5 am every M...
I'm going to break your question with the two options available, in my opinion. The first one is harder.
1) Find A Job First
A lot of people will say this is impossible. I ag...
Quick answer:
It will be difficult, especially if you're not either:
a) educated to minimum Bachelors level in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) profess...
Actually, I spent ages studying this sort of thing.
But the value of (–1)^x does not just jump from 1 to i to – 1 to –i
It takes all the values in between!
The graph of y = (–...
Another question that I love talking about.
These are, in my estimation, the 10 best science fiction films ever…
…Well, I could replace 10–8 with about 20 other movies, and I...
Just to add to Robin Adams' answer (it was in fact 26 pages long), there's an amusing story behind this. It seems that when Einstein submitted his dissertation, it was reje...
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