Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
That's a good question.
Plot-wise, it would be because they didn't want a heavy hitter batting around the Children of Thanos.
However, I think character-wise he was scared. H...
Say there's a person named Fred, who claims that his family lineage is the oldest in the world: it goes back all the way to the beginning of humanity itself. He has the rec...
If you're planning on doing $150k of work, I'd say it's going to have a pretty significant negative impact on your future job prospects.
If you're planning on doing $450k of...
The Patriot, but not the reason you think.
The British portrayed as bad guys? Nothing new, we were bad guys in history sometimes.
The historical inaccuracy in...
That's not true. Mathematicians sometimes prove intuitive things in a very simple way.
When they prove intuitive things in a very complicated way, it is only because they've...
The joke at Google is, "Other engineers are working on things that are going to change the world, but I'm just sitting here moving protocol buffers around."
Then you open up...
You can't. Other nations get much better results. Who can forget the sight of the giant German aircraft carriers providing humanitarian assistance after the tsunami or the ...
I'll freely admit that this is super petty.
Saving Private Ryan is considered one of the greatest war films of all time, being praised by many for its authenticity. Although...
Difficult, but not for the reasons you might think.
If you leave Google voluntarily without having another job lined up, it is harder to find another job because of the expe...
Ehm… Not sure how historically accurate these are- but they're good watches.
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