Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Thanos might betray Loki and kill him when he gives him the Tesseract (space stone), given his apathetic nature.
I saw some leaked footage of the Collector getting...
He was cursed around 3200 BC on last day of Mahabharata war, the curse to be on earth till end of the Kaliyuga of present Kalpa.
Very few people/saints doing Narmada river p...
If you mean what lens is best if you already have cataracts and glaucoma, then no lens is gaing to make much difference.
If you have had cataract surgery and replaced the le...
Learn about LIGHTING!
Obviously there are a lot of things that matter:
1. After 11 p. m., almost every body sleeps.
2. Do not worry that you have to wait for the light to turn green, because we don't have traffic lights.
3. Phallus or penis draw...
Salma Hayek.
Name a single film that she's famous for. Not critically acclaimed nor beloved by the Hispanic media, nor your own personal favorite; I mean a film that is reme...
Disclaimer:- Read only if you have strong will power to follow this.
Well many people have asked me this before but unfortunately after 2–3 days they give up and follow thei...
Check these out:
Look at her name
Looks cool.
I am an Indian who's living in china for almost seven years from now, so I would like to share my experience , Without getting biased to either of the two.
One of the Bigges...
disclaimer: I'm no comic nerd ,all my knowlege comes from the animated and cinematic movies I've seen.
A movie is as strong as it's story and characters. Even if we forget t...
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