Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Up until the last few years, death row inmates could generally choose anything they wanted for their last meal. However, a few of them took advantage of it, and ordered mea...
RAW (2017)
Young girl goes to college, a hazing ritual awakens her cannibalistic desires which she navigates while also maturing as a young woman. It's disturbing, but it's ...
Yes, of course! The whole notion of formal axiomatic systems wasn't really invented until the 19th century. There was a lot of mathematics prior to then.
Nowadays we laud th...
Mathematics can explain it perfectly fine. Even without infinite series, it is trivial to show that the confusion basically comes from giving different meaning to the word ...
Yes, there actually is one. Or at least this was true when I was selling cars from 2005 to 2009 — I'll bet it still is.
The Subaru Outback.
Virtually every car depreciates tr...
I have two, that I cannot really choose between. So I present both my main candidates. After them, I have a small list of other close candidates.
Forrest Gump.
A story about ...
I saw a quote on door to the office for a math professor that I had. It went…
"I had a graduate student once. He wasn't creative enough for mathematics. He became a poet, an...
If you don't mind I'll share my story about a civilian drone. There was this annoying kid who kept on flying his drone over our property. Just kept on whirling it back and ...
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