Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Not until it was remastered by Lucas.
In the original version of Return of the Jedi, the Death Star is destroyed and the people responsible celebrate on the planet below. Th...
Like my neighbor? Her timeline:
This is a 55 minute morning routine I’ve been utilizing lately.
1 ) Play Hypothetical Harry (15 mins) 15/60 This will get your imagination running early in the day and give ...
I extra’ed on the set of The Dark Knight, specifically in the ‘party scene’ where Joker and Batman fight. One night, he seemed very keyed up between takes. He was really an...
Its probably because most people have an amazing experience of the NHS. For most of us, the doctors or the hospital is a place where we we go after an accident, or if we ar...
The Navy Working Uniform, Type I, is the most ludicrous uniform seen.
The Navy picked the same design for this outfit as the old Army Battledress Uniform. Everyone liked the...
Q: In the 1969 moon landing, why wasn't the original footage shown live on TV? Why was it filmed from a screen, then transmitted?
In 1969, there were at least 15 major TV tr...
When I was in anesthesia school I met an Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT) surgeon in the staff break room. Of course when I first met him I didn’t know what his specialty was, and w...
Many bright young people ask themselves this question, and not without a reason. It’s true, machine learning is very important and it pays extremely well. But what is a “be...
It’s going to differ wildly from country to country. In the U.S., making a war movie using the Armed Services is making a deal with the Devil.
Producers and directors wantin...
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