Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Switzerland developed a national MBT, the Pz.68, around the end of the sixties:
Unfortunately it had a small electric problem: if you switched on the heating in the crew com...
When von Rundstedt saw the impossible 5000 ships the Allies had assembled for the invasion he called German High Command to apprise them of the situation. When asked for hi...
You know how Deadpool is such a popular character?
He seems more popular than Superman.
But why? He’s an immoral asshole that is so politically wrong.
So are Wolverine and Jok...
Q: “Why doesn’t China have the ability to manufacture high quality products?”
Arguably, in the world today, China has the greatest ability to manufacture high quality produc...
I have experience with both the U.K. and U.S. systems—I taught for 9 years in the former (at University of Oxford) but was brought up in the latter and just returned to it—...
I've always thought that this was the reason Alexander the Great drank so much. He fought in the middle of battle and saw many friends die.
Also the Greek references to men ...
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