Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
I had to go into a public bathroom to chase out a guy who’d been in one of the stalls an inordinately long time.
Turned out he was multi-tasking. In addition to defecating, ...
I was on a plane from Detroit to Beijing a few years ago. There was some excitement on the plane, it was delayed in taking off, and this tall white haired guy started makin...
It’s hard to imagine what a carrier doing flank speed is like.
During our transit to the North Arabian Sea, we conducted a rendezvous in the Indian Ocean with an amphibious ...
This is a light switch.
You press the part which sticks out, and the light comes on. The bottom of the switch now sticks out - and you can press that to turn the light off.
There is a simple answer.
They’re not overpaid.
Petroleum engineers tend to make between $74,000–$186,000, Electrical engineers tend to make $60,000–$90,000 and computer engineers tend to make betwee...
Ok, don’t lose it…
Yoda couldn’t defeat Vader.
I know, I know! “But Yoda is amongst the greatest of the Jedi!” Sure, but he was old, and Vader was, according to Matthew Stove...
My sister was in tears. “What is it?” asked my mother. “Jason hit me.”
“Go to your room.” “But…” “You don’t hit your sister. Just go.” “But…” “It will be worse for you if yo...
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