Câu chuyện tinh yêu,kinh nghiệm tình yêu,những bản nhạc tình yêu,khám phá khoa học
Here is the USS Iowa:
This class of battleship was retired from service when an accident with one of the main guns killed 47 crew members. So the guns are extremely dangerou...
From a US perspective it's pretty f*cked up (other cultures may view the issue differently).
If your son were to casually mention to someone (friend, teacher, relative) that...
While not perfect, I think this table touches on a lot of the subtleties of upper class values and foci.
While the middle and upper-middle class put a lot of emphasis and va...
Indonesia goes to war with USA? Okay, let’s get some allies (and no nukes here).
1. Russia.
Although a shadow of it’s former past, it still has quite a formidable military bu...
Some of them were so long ago that few people know much about them. Among the recent ones I nominate Jimmy Carter. His administration never fired a single bullet at anybody...
American doctors were once instructed to keep premature babies in oxygen tents since their lungs weren’t fully developed. It was discovered in 1954 however that this practi...
Once a president is elected, the Secret Service starts working on security needs for the new president and his family. One of the things they work on is keeping the family’...
First of all, we have no proof that Egyptians lifted stones with Kites to build Pyramids. We do have engravings on the walls, which looks a lot like the very first use of K...
You do what is necessary to survive. Even if you have a perfectly working weapon it might be useful to have another one.
During the war in Kosovo I had an Austrian Sturmgewe...
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